Body Love Movement Program

This is not your regular workout program where you stress & stain throwing heavy weights around endlessly focusing on just getting physical results, & while that sort of workout has a time and place, even in this program, The Body Love Movement Coaching Program works with your entire body as an intelligent system. This program is rooted in the love of the sacredness of your body and honoring as such.

How it connects you to your Feminine Power:

Releases stuck emotions in the body, Engages all the energy centers of the body (chakras). Connects you to your senses & feelings in the body. Activates your intuition. Increases mobility. Strengthens the physical body. Helps you appreciate your body. Increases your confidence. Improves your mood. Increases mindfulness in your life.

Over the course of 90 days, we will meet on zoom for 2 45-minute sessions per week, customized to where you at and take you on a journey to help you discover the depths of your authentic expression.

Restore Your Erotic Nature

Wellness Coaching

If you’re looking to create lasting results to help bring your body back into balance through conscious nutrition & supplementation, and yes, even shed excess weight, this program is for you.

In this program we bring into the light of awareness that the body is a highly intelligent system connected to nature, that is a part of nature & to help you create the conditions necessary to help you thrive.

This is not a diet program, but rather an entire body & lifestyle nourishment upgrade where I give you the tools, teach you the techniques, and educate you as to why making these simple changes works.

We will be working through any unhealthy patterning in relation to food & help you connect to the wisdom of the body and its’ signals effortlessly release any guilt or shame you have around your body and nourishment.

Love, Sex & Dating Coaching

This is a truly remarkable time in our history to be dating, or in a relationship. And just like in and all other areas of life, there is so much information out there, so much temptation & so much poison mixed with actual good stuff that we need to be extra diligent and aware of what we are getting ourselves involved with. We are also required to do more inner work to align with a relationship that actually supports our evolution. 

In my love, sex and dating coaching, I take you on a journey to help get you connected to your authentic self, teach you how to show up in the dating world to attract what you want, help you get clear on what you don't want, and how to maintain powerful boundaries & promises you keep with yourself. No more sacrificing yourself for “love”.

As far as the sex part goes, I help connect to to your own body in a way that is loving and sensual, and also help you get to the bottom of obsolete programming around sex & sensuality to help you discover your authentic sensual self, thus creating a new relationship to yourself, to relationships in general, and with life.

This is about revolutionary wellness in sex & love because we tap into what works. I pull from Tantric Philosophy, Taoism, Astrology & Psychology to help you get more aligned with your sacred life-force energy and how to use it in a way that is healing & empowering… and most of all, AUTHENTIC.

Love, Sex & Dating Coaching

This is a truly remarkable time in our history to be dating, or in a relationship. And just like in and all other areas of life, there is so much information out there, so much temptation & so much poison mixed with actual good stuff that we need to be extra diligent and aware of what we are getting ourselves involved with. We are also required to do more inner work to align with a relationship that actually supports our evolution. 

In my love, sex and dating coaching, I take you on a journey to help get you connected to your authentic self, teach you how to show up in the dating world to attract what you want, help you get clear on what you don't want, and how to maintain powerful boundaries & promises you keep with yourself. No more sacrificing yourself for “love”.

As far as the sex part goes, I help connect to to your own body in a way that is loving and sensual, and also help you get to the bottom of obsolete programming around sex & sensuality to help you discover your authentic sensual self, thus creating a new relationship to yourself, to relationships in general, and with life.

This is about revolutionary wellness in sex & love because we tap into what works. I pull from Tantric Philosophy, Taoism, Astrology & Psychology to help you get more aligned with your sacred life-force energy and how to use it in a way that is healing & empowering… and most of all, AUTHENTIC.


Join me for in-person classes in Marina Del Rey, CA at Studio U. 760 West Washington Blvd, 90292



“She embodies the most delicious sensual nature, paired with her wisdom of the body’s technology. It’s like she’s preparing my temple to hold even more power and glory!”

Elle Eminence


I am an embodiment and tantra coach, sensual movement instructor, wellness educator, fitness coach, and feminine empowerment mentor. Certified in multiple yoga lineages as well as shamanic reiki, I have been teaching yoga and dance classes since 2006 and holding space for clients since 2016. I'm passionate about helping people align with their divine authenticity, become empowered and truly connected to their divine eroticism.

Nicole Ambrosia
Professional Love & Intimacy Coach